GA Governor has plans to help insurance costs

A few weeks ago Governor Kemp introduced Senate Bill 69 which is a strong tort reform package.  With huge support of the Georgia business community, Governor Kemp has made his intentions clear. He aims to address the abuse of our legal…

Summer fun is quickly approaching in Woodstock!

Our office is located in Woodstock, GA. Just down the street, there are many boat docs and loading areas for our clients to enjoy a day on Lake Allatoona. One of our favorite lines of business to insure is boat…

Protecting our client from losing thousands…

Check out our agency’s most recent case study where we saw this family’s home was vastly underinsured. This home had an actual cash value roof which we were able to switch to a replacement cost roof. Actual cash value is…

A glimpse of what we can do for you!

At Mosaic Insurance Group, our number one priority is to cover your needs efficiently while filling any gaps in coverage. Our advisor Micah Kieffer was able to assist in doubling this client’s coverage while saving him over $1500 on auto…

Why did my rate go up?

Recently, consumers have been seeing a great increase in all of their daily living expenses. The price of food, gas, electricity and water have steadily increased since the Covid-19 pandemic. When the world shut down, we may have seen a plateau…

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